What are Blogs?

A blog is a form of website where articles are written to educate the reader on whatever topic or topics your little heart desires. A “blog” is usually made up of regularly updated pieces, also known as articles, which are organized in reverse chronological order. In essence, one most recent post is shown first on a page. In addition, a good blog encourages reader participation. Usually, a blog article includes a place at the bottom where readers can leave comments and engage in additional discussion with other readers. Now, who creates these top blogs in India? Well, that’s where a blogger comes in. A blogger is someone who creates content for blogs. Sometimes referred to as content producers. Bloggers also regularly provide content to other websites in addition to their blogs. Blogging can be a rewarding pastime or a money-making venture. The term ‘blogging’ refers to everything a blogger does, in addition to writing blog articles. One needs to keep up with crucial tasks like marketing and promotion, email list maintenance, building opt-in forms, social media management, and more if one would want their blog to succeed. A blogger engages in several activities. A blogger’s main responsibility is writing and creating content, but they can also make product recommendations through affiliate marketing. The overall blogging job is not that easy and hassle-free, but it can also be very lucrative and fulfilling if done right. Read on to find the list of famous blogs in India.

31 Top Blogs in India to Follow

Blog is a very efficient tool for businesses to demonstrate their expertise and share opinions. Taking the opportunity, many professionals, students, homemakers, and travelers started their blogs, sharing their stories, information, and knowledge in a certain niche. Let us now begin our list.

1. YourStory

One of the best inspirational, motivating and top blogs in India is called YourStory, as it features several accounts of successful individuals. This is the best website to learn about the origins of outstanding leaders in various industries. As one of the most well-known blogs in India, it focuses on startup-related topics to motivate readers online. This blog has quickly increased in market value. It receives more than 3.83 million visitors per month, 61% of them coming from India and the remaining 40% from other nations such as the US, UK, and others. The fact that 70.33% of traffic originates from Google Search Results is another great thing about this blog.

Founded By: Shradha Sharma Year: 2001 Niche: Startup and Success Stories

2. Labnol

This is the best tech blog, Labnol.org. It covers all tech-related topics and offers tech guides. The majority of the blog’s articles are how-to articles and technical tutorials, which address practically all technological issues. Amit Agarwal, one of India’s most well-known bloggers, is the person behind the blog. He is also a Google engineer with expertise in Apps Script. As per reports, 3.20 million visitors visit Labnol.org each month, with the United States accounting for 29.30% of that total. Repeat visitors, often known as “direct traffic,” makeup about 19% of the traffic. Read on to know more about top blogs in India.

Founded By: Amit Agarwal Year: 2006 Niche: Tech

3. ShoutMeLoud

If you’re seeking blogging advice and tutorials, here you got one of the top Indian bloggers who can provide you with those things. It’s one of the top blogs to read in India thanks to its fantastic content, and abundance of infographics, tips, techniques, and tutorials. Harsh Agarwal is the creator of this well-known Indian blog. He began this blogging tutorial site in 2008 after suffering severe leg injuries in a horrible accident. At the time, he decided to build a blog and provide tech advice online. This well-known Indian site has 603.22K visits every month, with 30.55% of them coming from India.

Founded By: Harsh Agarwal Year: 2008 Niche: Blogging Tips, SEO, Tech Advice

4. Trak

The wait is over if you’re seeking reputable and well-known IT and business top blogs in India since Trak.in is certainly one of them. Currently, India’s most popular business blog is Trak.in. Trak.in covers the latest technology in India together with industry news. It’s also possible to refer to it as a news blog. Arun Prabhudesai founded Trak back in 2007. Arun claimed in an interview that although India has greater potential than other nations, it needs adequate direction and understanding. This is what he wanted to achieve with this blog. There are 1.34 million visits to Trak.in each month, with 77.05% of those coming from India and 84.77% coming directly from Google.

Founded By: Arun Prabhudesai Year: 2007 Niche: Tech and Business

5. BloggingCage

One of the top blogs in India that address blogging-related problems is BloggingCage. If you’re seeking blogging tutorials, tips, and tactics, Bloggingcage is your best bet. Kulwant Nagi, a well-known Indian blogger located in Haryana, is the site’s owner and the one who launched it in 2012. Bloggingcage receives 151.27K visits each month, with 51.91% of them coming from India.

Founded By: Kulwant Nagi Year: 2012 Niche: Blogging

Note: BloggingCage is now BestPaidTools

6. MouthShut

With more than 1.73 million visitors every month, Moutshut.com is among the major review websites. People usually read product reviews before making any kind of purchase, and Mouthshut.com provides that service. Faisal Farooqui, a well-known entrepreneur, is credited with officially founding this, one of the most well-known product review websites. Over 12 lakh products have been evaluated on Mouthshut.com, and the figure is growing.

Founded By: Faisal Farooqui Year: 2000 Niche: Product Reviews

7. Techpp

India’s most commonly preferred online tech magazine is Techpp. “Technology Personalized” offers advice on how to make technology more personal, as the name suggests. Raju PP is the brains behind Techpp. Raju is an electronics and telecommunications engineering graduate. Techpp offers advice on how to make technology more user-friendly in addition to the most recent technological developments. Read on to know more about the famous blogs in India.

Founded By: Raju PP Year: 2008 Niche: Tech

Also Read: Top 31 Highest Paid Bloggers

8. BloggersPassion

If you’ve ever done a Google search for anything connected to blogging, you’ve probably noticed that this Indian blog is at the top of the results. You can discover a variety of articles, blogs, and tutorials connected to blogging here. One can also study affiliate marketing tactics on this site. Anil Agarwal established this blog. He is one of the well-known Indian bloggers and SEO experts who work full-time and assists individuals in starting their personal or professional blogs. The blog receives 147.53K visitors each month, of which 49.36% are from India.

Founded By: Anil Agarwal Year: 2009 Niche: Blogging and SEO

9. TrafficCrow

TrafficCrow is one of the top Indian digital marketing blogs. It provides how-to instructions for SEO, blogging, and digital marketing, assists users in resolving problems, and teaches them through tutorial blogs. Satish Arumugamin founded the blog in 2013. He is a well-known Indian blogger who also works as a web designer, digital marketing educator, and effective internet marketer. Currently, the blog has about 15K visitors each month. The prominent blogs on his websites include Blogging, Digital Marketing, SEO Tutorials, Writing Tips, Link Building Guides, and Reviews, all of which is a must-read for those who want to have a better grasp of blogging and digital marketing tactics. Read further to know about top blogs in India.

Founded By: Satish Arumugamin Year: 2013 Niche: SEO, Blogging, and Digital Marketing

10. ArchanasKitchen

You may find meal planning, diabetic meal ideas, meal ideas, lunch box ideas, and more on this popular recipe and food discovery blog. A variety of recipes and video instructions may be found on this kitchen and recipe site. Those who are enthusiastic about food and cooking may find this site to be extremely helpful. This well-known Indian blog was run by Archana Doshi. She also posts her recipes on her Facebook page, Instagram, and YouTube pages. Around 1.39 million people visit this blog each month, with 44.33% of those coming from the USA.

Founded By: Archana Doshi Year: 2007 Niche: Kitchen and Recipe Blog

11. iGeeksBlog

One of the most well-known iOS blogs in India, founded by Dhvanesh Adhiya, is iGeeksBlog. This blog iGeeksBlog is dedicated to discussing all the topics, issues, tips, and techniques about iOS, or more specifically, Apple Products. If you want the most recent news on iPhone & iPad app and accessory reviews, you must visit and follow his blog. The blog has about 475,05K monthly visits, with 47.90% of those coming from the USA and the remainder coming from the UK, Canada, and other nations. Since 79.93% of visitors to the site originate from Google search results, it is successful.

Founded By: Dhvanesh Adhiya Year: 2012 Niche: Tech Blog

12. Online-Tech-Tips

Aseem Kishore, a well-known blogger, is the owner of the blog. He is one of the top Indian bloggers and has worked in the IT sector for 15 years. He earned a computer science and mathematics degree from Emory University in 2002, and in 2007 he made his first foray into the world of blogging. Most tech-related concerns, including tips, answers, and how-to instructions, are covered in Online-Tech-Tips articles and posts. Over 2.63 million people visit Online-Tech-Tips each month, with 35.18% of those visitors coming from the USA and 87.04% of those visitors coming directly from Google search results.

Founded By: Aseem Kishore Year: 2007 Niche: Tech Blog

13. VegRecipesofIndia

With over 1800 recipes, Veg Dishes of India is perhaps the most popular and top blogs in India. What’s nice about this blog is that everything you find, including all vegetarian recipes, has been tried and true. Over 2 million people follow Veg Recipes of India on Facebook; it also enjoys a huge following on YouTube. If you enjoy cooking and tend to favor vegetarian dishes, you will adore this site, which is hosted by Dassana, a prominent Indian woman food blogger. This top Indian site is a must-read for you if you want to explore both Indian dishes and vegetarian meals that you can use for breakfast, lunch, snacks, supper, etc.

Founded By: Dassana Year: 2009 Niche: Recipes and Cooking

14. BloggersIdeas

BloggersIdeas is a fantastic digital marketing site in India that offers blogging advice as well as digital marketing guides. The owner of the blog is Jitendra Vaswani. He is an Indian professional blogger who also has over 8 years of expertise as an SEO consultant for the digital marketing sector. If we speak about BloggersIdeas’ monthly traffic, it is 119.06K, with 19.96% of visitors coming from the USA and 14.59% from India. Google Search is the source of 76% of traffic to BloggersIdeas.com. The book “Inside A Hustler’s Brain: In Pursuit of Financial Freedom,” written by Jitendra, shows you how to accomplish your objectives.

Founded By: Jitendra Vaswani Year: 2013 Niche: SEO, Digital marketing, and Affiliate Marketing

Also Read: Top 20 Indian Bloggers & Their Earnings

15. IndiTales

Inditales is a renowned and one of the top blogs in India where you can get information about the best tourist destinations in India and across the world, as well as hotel and restaurant reviews, travel movies, and more. Anuradha Goyal established the blog in 2004. Even the less traveled states of Meghalaya and Odisha in the northeast of India are covered by her. Goyal writes with a bold, assured style, with a particular fondness for art history and culture as well as walking tours. Her Inditales site also has an astounding amount of Indian bird photos, which is perfect for bird enthusiasts worldwide.

Founded By: Anuradha Goyal Year: 2004 Niche: Travel

16. DigitalVidya

As a well-known digital marketing blog in India, DigitalVidya.com primarily offers online digital marketing courses and other training programs. Visit DigitalVidya.com if you’re seeking online classes and digital workshops. You can also access Digital Workshops, Webinars, blogs, quizzes, guides, books, and forums with DigitalVidya. Pradeep Chopra is the blogger behind this well-known site. He founded the website DigitalVidya.com in 2009. 220.96K people visit the blog each month, with 48.14% of that traffic coming from India.

Founded By: Pradeep Chopra Year: 2009 Niche: Digital Marketing

17. GuideBlogging

You can improve your blogging skills by using the blog GuideBlogging. More than 24.18K people visit it each month. The site includes lessons and blogging suggestions regarding the concerns and issues that pertain to blogging. Umer Qureshi established this helpful blog. Umer is a well-known Indian blogger, affiliate marketer, and entrepreneur who is 16 years old. To assist beginners, newcomers, and those who have difficulties when blogging, he launched this site in 2019. He is currently on the correct track to being one of India’s top bloggers.

Founded By: Umer Qureshi Year: 2019 Niche: Blogging

18. NextBigWhat

The largest online discussion platform for entrepreneurs in India is called Next Big What. As a result, if you’re interested in startups, cutting-edge ideas, and marketing geniuses, you should check out this website because it offers hundreds of excellent articles about entrepreneurship and startups. Owner of Next Big What and self-described “product nerd,” Ashish Sinha has developed this website into the best online startup community.

Founded By: Ashish Sinha Year: 2007 Niche: Startups and Marketing

19. MissMalini

One of the top-rated and well-liked Indian blogs is MissMalini.com. This well-known Indian blog took its cue from Perez Hilton’s, a well-known Hollywood gossip and lifestyle blog. The most notable feature of this site is that it is the most well-liked blog that covers Bollywood-related topics, including news, rumors, and other related topics. You’ll also find a wealth of updates and advice on fashion, lifestyle, healthier living, and other topics on this blog. Malini Agarwal, an Indian digital influencer, TV personality, businesswoman, and best-selling author of “To the Moon: How I Blogged My Way to Bollywood,” runs this incredible site. MissMalini.com receives 424.99k unique visitors every month, of whom 53.51% are actual users, and 17.19% are from the USA. Read on to learn more about top blogs in India.

Founded By: Malini Agarwal Year: 2008 Niche: Lifestyle

20. PinkVilla

Pink Villa is the place to go if you’re seeking the best blogs to read in India related to entertainment. India’s most popular internet blog, PinkVilla.com, gives you access to the most recent daily Bollywood news. Here, you can get all the latest Bollywood rumors and information about the film business. This site covers both health and lifestyle topics in addition to Bollywood news. Another of the first Indian blogs, this one was started in 2006 and has been providing some of the best and most popular articles on Bollywood and entertainment ever since. It receives 23 Million visits every month, 39.94% of which are from the USA and 31.67% from India.

Founded By: Nandini Shenoy Year: 2006 Niche: Entertainment and Lifestyle

21. 99Signals

99Signals is the ideal blog for you if you have any troubles or issues with technology or your site. Online tech tools, newly released technologies, the greatest tools, and contrasting them with alternatives are some of the themes covered on this site. Sandeep Mallya, an Indian blogger, is well-known for this website. Entrepreneur and digital marketing expert Sandeep Mallya is from Bangalore, India. 2009 saw the completion of his MBA. This blog receives 76.20K visits each month, with 17.49% of those coming from India and 80.26% coming straight from Google.

Founded By: Sandeep Mallya Year: 2016 Niche: Digital Marketing

Also Read: How to Create a Blog with Minimum Investment

22. MyLittleMoppet

Parenting advice, infant meal plans, recipes, and other information can be found on the well-known parenting site in India called My Little Moppet. If you visit My Little Moppet, which was founded and is operated by Dr. Hemapriya, a medical doctor by training, you may forgo the quality check of consulting other blogs before attempting something for your infant. Dr. Hema verifies the procedures by putting them to the test on her kids. This doctor’s mom offers the best advice on everything from the healthiest nutrition to potty training, managing a toddler to managing a weaning baby. She also has her line of handmade baby food items called Little Moppet Foods, as well as free recipe booklets for infants and toddlers, all of which are available on her website.

Founded By: Dr. Hemapriya Natesan Year: 2014 Niche: Parenting

23. TheWindowsClub

An entirety of Windows and its security-related advice and tutorials are covered by WindowsClub.com. This blog among the top blogs in India’s author is Anand Khanse. Anand Khanse has received the Microsoft MVP Award (2006-2016). It’s remarkable that his blog, TheWindowsClub.com, is ranked 24,914 internationally. 3.20 million visitors visit them each month, with 30.08% of those users coming from the USA. It is among the best blogs to read in India.

Founded By: Anand Khanse Year: 2008 Niche: Tech Blog

24. PickyEaterBlog

The author of this popular lifestyle and food blog frequently provides delicious, nourishing recipes on her site that are created with natural foods. Anjali Shah is the creator of the healthy eating and lifestyle blog The Picky Eater as well as a board-certified health coach. Additionally, she has been highlighted on well-known websites including SELF.com, Oprah.com, Women’s Health, Cooking Light, Reader’s Digest, CNN, Food Network, SHAPE, and BuzzFeed. Read on find the list of famous blogs in India.

Founded By: Anjali Shah Year: 2014 Niche: Food, Health, and Lifestyle

25. AkankshaRedhu

Women and everyone else interested in fashion, wellness, beauty, and lifestyle should read AkankshaRedhu.com’s blog. The well-known Indian blogger Akanksha Redhu is the owner of this well-liked site. She writes extensively on current trends in everything from fashion to beauty to excellent cuisine. Events, travel, media, fashion and lifestyle, and shopping are her blog’s other five key topics. 16.01K people visit the blog each month, with about 53% of those coming from India and the remainder coming from the USA and South Africa.

Founded By: Akanksha Redhu Year: 2010 Niche: Lifestyle and Fashion

26. TruMatter

If you enjoy DIY projects and are looking for fresh inspiration to beautify your home or space, you’ll love Trumatter.in. Visit trumatter.in, one of the top blogs in India that is founded by Rukmini Ray Kadam, if you’re seeking a decor blog or DIY site where you can get various wonderful DIY ideas to make your home beautiful and build your collection. In New Bombay, Rukmini resides in a small rental flat. She receives about 12,000 visits each month.

Founded By: Rukmini Ray Kadam Year: 2014 Niche: DIY

27. ArtsyCraftsyMom

As an Indian parenting blog, Artsy Crafty Mom discusses hobbies and art projects for children. You shouldn’t miss this site if you’re looking for ideas for seasonal crafts, kid’s art projects, and family-friendly activities. Shruti established the website as a working mother. Shruti allows her creativity to take control after work hours. As a consequence, Shruti created the wonderful ArstyCraftsyMom blog, which showcases gorgeous arts and crafts projects that she creates with her kid. The nicest thing about this site is how often she makes projects out of discarded and waste materials, making it one of the best blogs to read in India.

Founded By: Shruti Acharya Year: 2011 Niche: Crafts and DIY

28. ThrillingTravel

Ami Bhat, a parent blogger, and frequent traveler launched Thrilling Travel, one of the most popular travel blogs in India. She holds a postgraduate degree in marketing and loves to travel. She has also been highlighted in important magazines including BBC Travel, Deccan Herald, and many more. Amit has a PADI diving certification and has written on travel for magazines including Lonely Planet India. If you’re interested in learning about new vacation places as well as travel advice, check out Ami Bhat’s blog.

Founded By: Ami Bhat Year: NA Niche: Travel Blog

Also Read: 32 Examples of Successful Blogs for Your Inspiration

29. SafalNiveshak

The top Indian financial blog is Safal Niveshak and is easily one of the top blogs in India. This well-known Indian blog is a must-read if you’re seeking a blog in India on investments and company finance. Safal Niveshak is a place where you will find a variety of investment-related topics. This well-known Indian blog was founded by Vishal Khandelwal. Additionally, the blog receives 90.35K visitors each month, of which 59.78% come from India and 8.73% from the USA.

Founded By: Vishal Khandelwal Year: 2010 Niche: Finance

30. TheStyleEdge

TheStyleEdge is a renowned Indian fashion and lifestyle blog. The blog includes subjects like life, his and hers, fashion, and beauty. Santoshi Shetty established this well-known fashion and leisure website in 2015. People like her impeccable sense of style since she infused her understanding of design construction into her outfit. Over time, Santoshi Shetty has been able to amass a sizable following. Honors like “Elle Blogger of the Year” and “Cosmopolitan Blogger of the Year” seem to capture her journey thus far. She is now recognized as the top blogger in the nation because of the wings her inventiveness has given her resume.

Founded By: Santoshi Shetty Year: 2015 Niche: Fashion and Lifestyle

31. The-Shooting-Star

Shivya Nath founded the travel blog called The-Shooting-Star.com in 2012 where she documents her travels to various cities and nations throughout the world. Shivya Nath, who was then 23 years old, quit her corporate job to pursue her goal of seeing the globe. She prepared her belongings and set out on her global excursion. She is a vegan environmentalist, storyteller, digital nomad, writer, photographer, and social entrepreneur. Also, the blog receives a healthy amount of traffic each month 27.9K visits, to be exact.

Founded By: Shivya Nath Year: 2012 Niche: Travel

So, there you have it. Today, India has several talented bloggers across all niches. SEO, digital marketing, lifestyle, tech, and travel remain one of the most popular niches and topics. Most of these top blogs in India are quite beneficial for the readers. Whether you have a technical issue, these blogs can help you find a solution. Or, if you want to read some news or the latest gossip, then these blogs act as a source of entertainment as well. Regardless of the objective, one thing is pretty obvious these bloggers are experts in their field and their experiences and knowledge can help readers with their doubts and queries as and when needed.

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