CameraFi Live for PC lets you set broadcast privacy to allow only you to watch the broadcast in case you need personal videos. CameraFi Live for PC also lets you live steam USB external camera feature which allows for external camera connection for high-quality images and videos. You may also use wearable cameras during the live stream using the USB external camera connection.

How to Download and Install Camera Fi Live for PC Using BlueStacks Emulator

  1. Download and install BlueStacks Emulator on your PC For you to download and install Camera Fi Live for PC you will need BlueStacks App Player which is an emulator that lets you experience using Android on your PC. Download and install the BlueStacks emulator and run it by opening it.
  2. Sign in to your Gmail account Create a Gmail account and log in if you don’t have one. Go to my apps in the BlueStacks emulator and click on the email. Log in to your Gmail account. This is because for you to access Google Play Store you need to log in to your Gmail account.
  3. Go to Google Play Store Go to my apps in the BlueStacks emulator. Click on Google Play and open it.
  4. Search for CameraFi Live on the search bar Click on the Google Play Store search bar. Type “CameraFi Live”
  5. Click on CameraFi Live and download it After choosing CameraFi Live click on install to download it. This may take a few minutes. It will be installed automatically.
  6. Go to my apps and click on CameraFi Live Choose and open by clicking CameraFi Live in my apps to run it and using the CameraFi Live for PC. Read Also: Net Eye Camera for Windows and Mac More Posts - Website Follow Me: