Importance of Communication

The act of transferring and receiving data through written or vocal language, written or visual representations, signs, signals, and behavior is known as communication. Communication is defined more broadly as the production and interchange of meaning. The increase in the number of ways and forms of what we refer to as ‘communication’ has been a development in human awareness during the past century. There are now more ways than ever to be misinterpreted since there are more communication channels available. When sending a communication that just consists of written words such as a text or email, the sender must be certain that the message is clear and cannot be misunderstood. While it’s not seen as professional to use emoticons in official correspondence to assist express the right message and context, emails frequently come out as cold or clipped without the sender’s purpose. Consider the audience who will be receiving the message, the context, and your methods of communicating it before putting the message together, whether it will be delivered orally, in writing, over the phone, in front of a group, or a person. Which approach will be the most successful? What must you do to guarantee that it is communicated effectively? What are you trying to avoid communicating? If you’re composing a written letter, you should probably proofread it, check that the recipient’s name is spelt correctly, and read it aloud to look for lost words or awkward wording before sending. Now, all these things become quite difficult if you do not know the various communications skills required. For that, one should know the 7 Cs of communication.

Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples

The seven Cs of successful communication refer to the courteous and succinct manner in which you interact with others around you. These recommendations can be used by people to understand how to persuade others to support their own or their organization’s objectives. Whether one is a student or a professional, these 7 rules can help communicate better and more effectively.

1. Clear

Your communication must convey whatever message you intend for the receiver to understand; otherwise, they may make assumptions and contact you again for clarification. More time will be lost on emails as a result of this. Avoid attempting to convey too much in a single statement. This will distract the reader’s focus. Avoid overloading the recipient with information in one go; it will only confuse you. The greatest strategy to make sure your message is understood is to stay on point/purpose and give specific details. This is one of the first rules in 7Cs of business communication.


It would be a little confusing for the recipient if you sent a message that said, “Meeting today to decide social media plans and strategies for the coming month and for reviewing the current month’s performances and formulating ideas for new materials in the afternoon at the conference room.” This is because multiple agendas are piled up at once. Additionally, if the meeting’s precise time and location are not stated, the message is left unclear and unfinished. The team will meet to discuss the upcoming month’s social media calendar at 1:00 PM in the conference room, which is the right way to send a clear message.

2. Correct

Folks tend to type quickly when writing a lot of emails throughout a single day, which makes spelling mistakes very probable. If the misspelled term is some other word, a spell check will not be able to recognize it. One should also take care to spell people’s names accurately and address them properly. One must make sure that the reader has the information and education necessary to comprehend the technical jargons to employ in your message. For the message to be properly understood in written communication, the message must be expressed with perfect grammar and spelling. Additionally, the facts or dates that are given must be correct.


Sending a message like See u latr this weeknd. The statement contains several spelling problems. The sense of the statement is lost, and it appears somewhat carelessly written. When one has to send a lot of emails or messages in one day, folks frequently push the submit button without proofreading and might make several errors in even a short line. Therefore, proofreading is essential. Read further to understand all the 7Cs of communication with examples.

3. Complete

A message that is complete will have all the details the recipient needs to know to react or take action. If you want the audience to take some sort of action, make sure the email or written correspondence includes a call-to-action and makes it clear how urgent the task is. Iterations, a great deal of back and forth, and time and effort wasted on both sides are all caused by incomplete communications. For a communication to be complete, it must contain all the necessary data. A message that is unclear to the recipient will cause them to respond by asking for further information. This is one of the most important Cs in the 7Cs of business communication.


Let’s talk about the product opening ceremony tomorrow. Please arrive promptly. This is a bad illustration. There is no indication of the meeting’s specified time or place, and there is no predetermined agenda. The email recipients would have to reply in writing or by phone to explain. Let’s plan the product launch party tomorrow at 11 am in Conference Room 3. The headlining speakers and the final text of the event invitation must be decided tomorrow. Please arrive promptly. This on the other hand is a complete statement with needed information that will helps the recipient understand the main motive.

4. Concise

When one might have concluded the statement in 2 sentences, people frequently end up writing 4 sentences instead. Both the sender and the recipient lose time as a result, which lowers both of their production levels. Additionally, avoid using fillers as I mean, sort of, for instance, basically, etc. Your message as per 7Cs of business communication must be precise, concise, and clear. Avoid using the same phrase or point more than once.


A message like this is a bad example of concise communication; we should discuss our annual Christmas party, by which I mean the one that happens every year. I feel it would be beneficial for team development if we all helped with the preparation. In essence, we might be able to get suggestions for our celebration from each member. In this, the sender comes out as unsure and unconfident in the message. Additionally, the message is considerably longer than it has to be due to the word fillers. It might be wiser to say, we need to talk about the annual workplace Christmas celebration. We should schedule a team meeting for Monday at 3:00 PM so that everyone can participate. Read more to know the last three of 7Cs of communication with examples. Also Read: 4 Types Of Communication Skills with Examples

5. Concrete

You must have trust in the message you intend to share with the audience. The necessity for concreteness must be highlighted, particularly during advertising or marketing initiatives. Details must pique the audience’s interest rather than make them bored. A phrase must contain facts or statistics for it to be considered concrete. There will be no opportunity for misunderstanding since the recipient will know precisely what the sender is attempting to convey.


Let’s imagine that a manager provides feedback to a member of his/her team. The message was; XYZ’s revenue is rather low. We must attempt to match ABC’s revenue. However, this statement seems incomplete and can be easily misunderstood. Instead, in messages like this; XYZ’s engagement rate is merely 0.75%. Our goal should be to reach ABC’s rate of 1.3%, will communicate to the team member what they must work on and what their manager is trying to convey with concreteness.

6. Courteous

Being respectful is crucial in a professional situation according to the 7Cs of business communication. Since coworkers are not always friends, it is essential to be polite to preserve a positive working environment. Discord amongst people and a decline in morale and productivity will follow from covert insults and angry tones. It’s important to communicate in a real and considerate manner. Therefore, be careful to use the appropriate tone and refrain from using foul language or worse while communicating with someone, depending on your connection with them. The way you conduct yourself and your language will determine how the discussion develops.


I am aware that you and your staff are busy with other tasks and that you have a lot on your schedule. However, given that we are getting close to the project’s deadline, I would deeply appreciate it if you can somehow finish it by next week since my team will need to start working on it right away. If my group and I can be of any assistance, please let me know.

7. Coherent

You must have a logical progression to the message. Each mail or report must contain related sentences that stay on the primary topic. If lacking clarity and coherence, the reader will quickly become confused about what you are trying to say. A message needs to make sense and be consistent. The points made should be pertinent to the topic. Even the tone should be consistent.


I appreciate you providing the market report. XYZ will comment on it for you. XYZ also wanted to know if you’ll be present for tomorrow’s meeting. We’ll talk about the project’s upcoming phase’s budget. This email was intended to discuss the submitted industry report and the responses to it. The unexpected inquiry regarding the meeting will now divert the receiver’s attention from their top responsibilities. This is not a coherent message. On the other hand, if the message is written like this, I appreciate you sending in the market report. XYZ will provide you with some input. He will send you an email with full remarks soon. Only the report is discussed in this email. The receiver is aware that the report has been read, and they now need to wait for comments. There are no other enticing factors or unnecessary details. Read on to know more about the benefits of 7Cs of communication with examples.

Importance of 7Cs

When conveying a message or a set of facts, the seven C’s of communication can serve as a checklist. They ensure that your audience understands the key aspects of what you want to communicate by emphasizing specificity, conciseness, and clarity. In most circumstances, the 7Cs of business communication can support written and verbal communication in both the personal and professional world. They function best, in emails intended to inform recipients or in one-on-one conversations that are primarily business-related. People can be persuaded, guided through change, or won over by understanding and using the 7Cs of communication with examples. Everyone knows how crucial it is to connect with, comprehend, and be comprehended by others while working with customers or giving seminars on communication. Teams must interact in this fashion to function effectively. It can also guarantee that everyone is conversing in the same language. People from various ethnic groups may very well have distinct traditions, yet they may still converse effectively with proper communication skills in place as per the importance of 7Cs of business communication. Also Read: Why do you want to join our company? Best Answers

Benefits of Business Communication

Both internal and external audiences must be successfully communicated with by businesses. Having a solid understanding of the 7 Cs of communication in the workplace can be highly beneficial. Some of the benefits of effective communication in the workplace are:

Increased Productivity: To keep the team informed and to guarantee that projects are finished on schedule, it is important to communicate the status of ongoing projects. Effective Team Building: Building your team through effective communication inside your workplace is beneficial. When employees have a clear grasp of what is expected of them, they will feel empowered to take action. Building Trust: When there is a high level of trust amongst coworkers, both productivity and teamwork increase. Employ 7Cs of communication with examples and strategies to convey to staff that they are valued, team members. Sharing Knowledge: Employees are better able to make decisions when business knowledge is shared because they may draw on prior achievements and disappointments. As per the importance of 7Cs of communication in business, these rules will assist in transforming problems into repeatable business practices. Sharing Ideas Effectively: There are several ways you may use communication inside your company to promote idea sharing about product improvements, successful teamwork, and even new staff initiatives. This can be accomplished using a variety of tools, including internal discussion boards and promoting blog authoring. Increasing Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction with your goods and services rises when you communicate with them effectively. It demonstrates your company’s concern for them, increasing the likelihood that they will have a favorable interaction with your brand. Growing Leads: To move clients from the awareness stage of the communication funnel and turn those into leads, brands can employ communication platforms like SMS, email, and websites.

Good communication is crucial in many areas, which is why corporations, organizations, and public relations all strive to have effective communication skills. By teaching others and engaging with people in a manner that will enable them to comprehend and respond to your point of view. With the help of these 7Cs of communication with examples, you will be able to communicate in a better way.

Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 59Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 66Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 80Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 71Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 91Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 2Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 47Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 42Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 29Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 78Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 18

title: “Importance Of 7Cs Of Communication With Examples” ShowToc: true date: “2023-01-21” author: “Melanie Lovato”

Importance of Communication

The act of transferring and receiving data through written or vocal language, written or visual representations, signs, signals, and behavior is known as communication. Communication is defined more broadly as the production and interchange of meaning. The increase in the number of ways and forms of what we refer to as ‘communication’ has been a development in human awareness during the past century. There are now more ways than ever to be misinterpreted since there are more communication channels available. When sending a communication that just consists of written words such as a text or email, the sender must be certain that the message is clear and cannot be misunderstood. While it’s not seen as professional to use emoticons in official correspondence to assist express the right message and context, emails frequently come out as cold or clipped without the sender’s purpose. Consider the audience who will be receiving the message, the context, and your methods of communicating it before putting the message together, whether it will be delivered orally, in writing, over the phone, in front of a group, or a person. Which approach will be the most successful? What must you do to guarantee that it is communicated effectively? What are you trying to avoid communicating? If you’re composing a written letter, you should probably proofread it, check that the recipient’s name is spelt correctly, and read it aloud to look for lost words or awkward wording before sending. Now, all these things become quite difficult if you do not know the various communications skills required. For that, one should know the 7 Cs of communication.

Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples

The seven Cs of successful communication refer to the courteous and succinct manner in which you interact with others around you. These recommendations can be used by people to understand how to persuade others to support their own or their organization’s objectives. Whether one is a student or a professional, these 7 rules can help communicate better and more effectively.

1. Clear

Your communication must convey whatever message you intend for the receiver to understand; otherwise, they may make assumptions and contact you again for clarification. More time will be lost on emails as a result of this. Avoid attempting to convey too much in a single statement. This will distract the reader’s focus. Avoid overloading the recipient with information in one go; it will only confuse you. The greatest strategy to make sure your message is understood is to stay on point/purpose and give specific details. This is one of the first rules in 7Cs of business communication.


It would be a little confusing for the recipient if you sent a message that said, “Meeting today to decide social media plans and strategies for the coming month and for reviewing the current month’s performances and formulating ideas for new materials in the afternoon at the conference room.” This is because multiple agendas are piled up at once. Additionally, if the meeting’s precise time and location are not stated, the message is left unclear and unfinished. The team will meet to discuss the upcoming month’s social media calendar at 1:00 PM in the conference room, which is the right way to send a clear message.

2. Correct

Folks tend to type quickly when writing a lot of emails throughout a single day, which makes spelling mistakes very probable. If the misspelled term is some other word, a spell check will not be able to recognize it. One should also take care to spell people’s names accurately and address them properly. One must make sure that the reader has the information and education necessary to comprehend the technical jargons to employ in your message. For the message to be properly understood in written communication, the message must be expressed with perfect grammar and spelling. Additionally, the facts or dates that are given must be correct.


Sending a message like See u latr this weeknd. The statement contains several spelling problems. The sense of the statement is lost, and it appears somewhat carelessly written. When one has to send a lot of emails or messages in one day, folks frequently push the submit button without proofreading and might make several errors in even a short line. Therefore, proofreading is essential. Read further to understand all the 7Cs of communication with examples.

3. Complete

A message that is complete will have all the details the recipient needs to know to react or take action. If you want the audience to take some sort of action, make sure the email or written correspondence includes a call-to-action and makes it clear how urgent the task is. Iterations, a great deal of back and forth, and time and effort wasted on both sides are all caused by incomplete communications. For a communication to be complete, it must contain all the necessary data. A message that is unclear to the recipient will cause them to respond by asking for further information. This is one of the most important Cs in the 7Cs of business communication.


Let’s talk about the product opening ceremony tomorrow. Please arrive promptly. This is a bad illustration. There is no indication of the meeting’s specified time or place, and there is no predetermined agenda. The email recipients would have to reply in writing or by phone to explain. Let’s plan the product launch party tomorrow at 11 am in Conference Room 3. The headlining speakers and the final text of the event invitation must be decided tomorrow. Please arrive promptly. This on the other hand is a complete statement with needed information that will helps the recipient understand the main motive.

4. Concise

When one might have concluded the statement in 2 sentences, people frequently end up writing 4 sentences instead. Both the sender and the recipient lose time as a result, which lowers both of their production levels. Additionally, avoid using fillers as I mean, sort of, for instance, basically, etc. Your message as per 7Cs of business communication must be precise, concise, and clear. Avoid using the same phrase or point more than once.


A message like this is a bad example of concise communication; we should discuss our annual Christmas party, by which I mean the one that happens every year. I feel it would be beneficial for team development if we all helped with the preparation. In essence, we might be able to get suggestions for our celebration from each member. In this, the sender comes out as unsure and unconfident in the message. Additionally, the message is considerably longer than it has to be due to the word fillers. It might be wiser to say, we need to talk about the annual workplace Christmas celebration. We should schedule a team meeting for Monday at 3:00 PM so that everyone can participate. Read more to know the last three of 7Cs of communication with examples. Also Read: 4 Types Of Communication Skills with Examples

5. Concrete

You must have trust in the message you intend to share with the audience. The necessity for concreteness must be highlighted, particularly during advertising or marketing initiatives. Details must pique the audience’s interest rather than make them bored. A phrase must contain facts or statistics for it to be considered concrete. There will be no opportunity for misunderstanding since the recipient will know precisely what the sender is attempting to convey.


Let’s imagine that a manager provides feedback to a member of his/her team. The message was; XYZ’s revenue is rather low. We must attempt to match ABC’s revenue. However, this statement seems incomplete and can be easily misunderstood. Instead, in messages like this; XYZ’s engagement rate is merely 0.75%. Our goal should be to reach ABC’s rate of 1.3%, will communicate to the team member what they must work on and what their manager is trying to convey with concreteness.

6. Courteous

Being respectful is crucial in a professional situation according to the 7Cs of business communication. Since coworkers are not always friends, it is essential to be polite to preserve a positive working environment. Discord amongst people and a decline in morale and productivity will follow from covert insults and angry tones. It’s important to communicate in a real and considerate manner. Therefore, be careful to use the appropriate tone and refrain from using foul language or worse while communicating with someone, depending on your connection with them. The way you conduct yourself and your language will determine how the discussion develops.


I am aware that you and your staff are busy with other tasks and that you have a lot on your schedule. However, given that we are getting close to the project’s deadline, I would deeply appreciate it if you can somehow finish it by next week since my team will need to start working on it right away. If my group and I can be of any assistance, please let me know.

7. Coherent

You must have a logical progression to the message. Each mail or report must contain related sentences that stay on the primary topic. If lacking clarity and coherence, the reader will quickly become confused about what you are trying to say. A message needs to make sense and be consistent. The points made should be pertinent to the topic. Even the tone should be consistent.


I appreciate you providing the market report. XYZ will comment on it for you. XYZ also wanted to know if you’ll be present for tomorrow’s meeting. We’ll talk about the project’s upcoming phase’s budget. This email was intended to discuss the submitted industry report and the responses to it. The unexpected inquiry regarding the meeting will now divert the receiver’s attention from their top responsibilities. This is not a coherent message. On the other hand, if the message is written like this, I appreciate you sending in the market report. XYZ will provide you with some input. He will send you an email with full remarks soon. Only the report is discussed in this email. The receiver is aware that the report has been read, and they now need to wait for comments. There are no other enticing factors or unnecessary details. Read on to know more about the benefits of 7Cs of communication with examples.

Importance of 7Cs

When conveying a message or a set of facts, the seven C’s of communication can serve as a checklist. They ensure that your audience understands the key aspects of what you want to communicate by emphasizing specificity, conciseness, and clarity. In most circumstances, the 7Cs of business communication can support written and verbal communication in both the personal and professional world. They function best, in emails intended to inform recipients or in one-on-one conversations that are primarily business-related. People can be persuaded, guided through change, or won over by understanding and using the 7Cs of communication with examples. Everyone knows how crucial it is to connect with, comprehend, and be comprehended by others while working with customers or giving seminars on communication. Teams must interact in this fashion to function effectively. It can also guarantee that everyone is conversing in the same language. People from various ethnic groups may very well have distinct traditions, yet they may still converse effectively with proper communication skills in place as per the importance of 7Cs of business communication. Also Read: Why do you want to join our company? Best Answers

Benefits of Business Communication

Both internal and external audiences must be successfully communicated with by businesses. Having a solid understanding of the 7 Cs of communication in the workplace can be highly beneficial. Some of the benefits of effective communication in the workplace are:

Increased Productivity: To keep the team informed and to guarantee that projects are finished on schedule, it is important to communicate the status of ongoing projects. Effective Team Building: Building your team through effective communication inside your workplace is beneficial. When employees have a clear grasp of what is expected of them, they will feel empowered to take action. Building Trust: When there is a high level of trust amongst coworkers, both productivity and teamwork increase. Employ 7Cs of communication with examples and strategies to convey to staff that they are valued, team members. Sharing Knowledge: Employees are better able to make decisions when business knowledge is shared because they may draw on prior achievements and disappointments. As per the importance of 7Cs of communication in business, these rules will assist in transforming problems into repeatable business practices. Sharing Ideas Effectively: There are several ways you may use communication inside your company to promote idea sharing about product improvements, successful teamwork, and even new staff initiatives. This can be accomplished using a variety of tools, including internal discussion boards and promoting blog authoring. Increasing Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction with your goods and services rises when you communicate with them effectively. It demonstrates your company’s concern for them, increasing the likelihood that they will have a favorable interaction with your brand. Growing Leads: To move clients from the awareness stage of the communication funnel and turn those into leads, brands can employ communication platforms like SMS, email, and websites.

Good communication is crucial in many areas, which is why corporations, organizations, and public relations all strive to have effective communication skills. By teaching others and engaging with people in a manner that will enable them to comprehend and respond to your point of view. With the help of these 7Cs of communication with examples, you will be able to communicate in a better way.

Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 5Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 4Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 90Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 98Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 62Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 51Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 81Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 25Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 26Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 60Importance of 7Cs of Communication with Examples - 48