A. Financial Aid for Development of Buddhist/Tibetan Culture and Art

Voluntary Buddhist/Tibetan organizations engaged in the propagation and scientific development of Buddhist Tibetan culture and tradition and research in related fields are provided financial assistance up to a maximum of Rs. 2 lakhs per year under this scheme. Criteria for Eligibility – The organization should be functioning for at least 5 years and should be registered at least for a period of 2 years under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860) or similar Acts and should be recommended by State Govt. /U.T. Administrations. – It should be of regional or all-India character. The project must be of an experimental character and of all – India’s significance. – The organization’s work should be devoted to a program that deals with the preservation, propagation, and promotion of Indian Culture. – In the case of Institutions working in the field of dance, drama, and music, preference will be given to institutions engaged in teaching in the above field.

B. Financial Aid for Preservation and Development of Cultural Heritage of the Himalayas

– To promote, protect and preserve the cultural heritage of the Himalayas, financial assistance is provided to institutions and voluntary organizations with reference to the scope and content of individual projects and on the recommendation of UGC, the State Government or Union Territory concerned. The quantum of financial assistance would normally not exceed Rs 5 Lakhs. – The Institution/Society/Organisation/Trust should be registered as a Society under the Society Registration Act or as a trust under the law in force and shall have been functioning for a period of three years. – The voluntary institution should have the capacity to undertake and promote research work and it should have all the facilities to implement the scheme. – Its work should be certified as satisfactory by the respective state government and it should not be run for the profit of the individual or group of individuals. – It should have a well defined Constitution, Institutions like Universities, for eligibility, should introduce in their curricula or research course subjects relating to the preservation of Himalayan art and culture.

C. Financial Aid for Promotion of Regional and Local Museums

To promote local and regional arts and artifacts and setting up of museums to highlight the culture of a particular area, support is provided to voluntary organizations over a period of two years.

D. Financial Aid for Research Support to Voluntary Organisations engaged in Cultural Activities

Financial assistance under this scheme is given for research support in cultural Activities, i.e. literary, visual and performing arts, to voluntary organizations doing research in different aspects of Indian Culture as related to its traditions and philosophy etc. such institutions or organizations as mentioned above should, in order to qualify for a grant, have a properly constituted managing body with its powers, duties, and responsibilities clearly defined and laid in the form of a written constitution.

  1. Its financial position should be sound.
  2. It should have facilities, resources, personnel, and experience to initiate the scheme for which a grant is required. Financial assistance may be given for the following purposes:

Holding conferences, seminars, and symposia on important cultural matters. To meet expenditure on activities of development nature like the conduct of surveys, pilot project, etc.

E. Financial Aid for Setting up Multipurpose Cultural Complexes

An autonomous body created by a State Government to set up Multipurpose Art and Cultural complexes as centres of excellence are eligible for financial assistance under this scheme. Cultural Complexes for children are also considered. A maximum of Rs. 1 crore as a one-time grant is given.

F. Financial Aid for Development and Maintenance of National Memorials

Grant-in-aid to voluntary organizations/societies for development and maintenance of National Memorials, up to a maximum of Rs. 5 Lakhs for one memorial, is provided under this scheme to commemorate the role of eminent national personalities who have contributed to and played a historic role in the history of our country and to highlight their lives and activities as well as the relevance of their ideas to the Indian heritage.

G. Financial Aid for Celebration of Centenaries of Important Personalities

The scheme provides for grant-in-aid, not exceeding Rs. 1 lakh to Voluntary Organizations, state, and national bodies, for organizing Centenaries and Anniversaries to highlight salient aspects of the life and times of important personalities to infuse the public, particularly the young, the spirit of these great leaders.

H. Financial Aid for Building and Equipment Grants to Voluntary Cultural Organisations

The objective of this scheme is to give grants to registered Voluntary cultural organizations engaged in Cultural Activities. Financial Assistance under this scheme is given for research support in cultural activities, i.e. literary, visual, and performing arts, to voluntary organizations doing research in different aspects of Indian Culture as related to its traditions and philosophy, etc.

I. Financial Aid for Persons distinguished in Letter, Arts and such other walks of life

The scheme provides for financial assistance to persons distinguished in letters, arts, and such other walks of life.

J. Fellowships and Financial Assistance

To provide financial support to outstanding articles for creative work in various fields of performing, plastic and literary arts the following schemes are being implemented by the Government:

(a) Emeritus fellowships

The scheme of Emeritus Fellowship has been formulated with a view to giving financial support to artists who have achieved a high degree of excellence in their respective fields, to enable them to continue experimentation in a spirit of Financial Freedom. The value of the Fellowships is Rs 7,500 per month and is tenable for a period of two years. The total number of fellowships has been increased from 24 to 30 per year from 1998-99.

(b) Kumar Gandharva Fellowship

A Fellowship in the memory of Pt. Kumar Gandharva has been instituted form 1992-93. The fellowship is equated to the Emeritus fellowship and is awarded by the government to a distinguished senior artiste in the age amount of 30-40 years in the field of music, performing and visual arts. The amount of the fellowship is Rs 7,500 per month for a period of two years. The number of fellowships has been increased from one to five per year from 1998-99

(c) Senior / Junior Fellowship Scheme

The scheme has been formulated to provide basic financial support for very advanced training on individual creative efforts for revival of our traditional form of art. Artistes above 40 years are provided support for senior fellowships up to Rs 6,000 per month, whereas the junior fellowships is awarded at the rate of rest 3,000 per month to the artistes in the age group 25 to 40 years. The number of senior and junior fellowships per year is 150 and 300 respectively and the duration of the fellowship is two years.

(d) Fellowship in New Areas

The scheme has been introduced in 1998-99 with the objective to encourage the application of modern ideas, principles, methodologies, and technology to art and culture-related issues. The fields covered are: i) Indology ii) cultural economics iii) structural and engineering aspects of monuments iv) numismatics v) epigraph vi) scientific and technological principles of conversation vii) sociology of culture and viii) management of heritage and art and cultural institutions. The total number of senior fellowships is 15 per year, and the fellowship amount is Rs 6,000 per month, the number of junior fellowships is 10, and the fellowship amount is Rs 3,000 per month. The fellowships are awarded for a period of two years.

(e) Scholarship to Young Artistes

Under the schemes, financial assistance is given to outstanding artistes, in the age-group of 18 -35 years for advanced training within India, in the fields of music, dance, painting, sculpture, drama, and folk, traditional and indigenous arts. The duration of the scholarship is two years and the value of Rs 2,000 per month. The number of scholarship has been increased from 250 to 400 per year from 1998 -99

K. Scheme of Financial Assistance for Promotion and Dissemination of Tribal / Folk Art and Culture

The department of Culture invites applications, under its scheme for the promotion and Dissemination of Tribal/Folk Art and Culture, from voluntary organizations/institutions and individuals working in the field of tribal/folk art and culture for specified projects. The Scheme provides assistance in the following areas: – To provide opportunities to tribal to conduct and organize cultural activities including festivals (Utsavas) in their environment and to ensure continuity of the tribal art and crafts. – To promote and support documentation, research, and survey of tribal and folk art, especially those facing the threat of extinction as a consequence of rapid development. – To disseminate and promote awareness of the richness of tribal/rural culture particularly among urban development. Under the Scheme, maximum assistance of Rs. 2 Lakhs is available depending upon the nature and scope of the project. The project is to be completed application, filled up either in Hindi or English, should be sent to the Under Secretary (PA), Department of Culture, Room No. 334, ‘C’ Wing, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 001. Criteria for Eligibility – Voluntary Organisations should be registered and can be tribal or non-tribal. – They must have the necessary infrastructure facilities for their projects and must be engaged in the area of the preservation of tribal art and crafts.

L. Building Grants to Cultural Organizations

To give grants to Voluntary Cultural Organizations for construction of their building and not for additions and renovations of the existing building. Criteria for Eligibility – The organization should be functioning for at least 5 years and should be registered at least for a period of 2 years under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860) or similar acts and should be recommended by State Govt. / U.T. Administrations. – It should be of regional or all-India character. The project must be of an experimental character and of all – India’s significance. – The organization’s work should be devoted to a programme which deals with the preservation, propagation, and promotion of Indian Culture. In the case of Institutions working in the field of dance, drama, and music, preference will be given to institutions engaged in teaching in the above field. Pattern of Assistance – The assistance is 50% of the expenditure, excluding the cost of land, subject to a maximum of Rs. 5.00 lakhs per Organisation. – It can be utilized either exclusively for the construction of the building or for construction and for suitable items of equipment. The quantum of assistance for equipment cannot exceed Rs. 1,00,000/- – The amount of grant should not exceed the amount from other sources and it will be of non-recurring nature. – First installment will be 25% of the amount of grant. – The second installment will be released on submission of audited accounts of the project and utilization certificate from a Chartered Acountant.

M. Financial Assistance for Preservation of Manuscripts to Voluntary Organisations, Educational Institutions, Libraries, Museums and Universities

Manuscript Libraries of National level/ state level institutions/ libraries which have a rich collection of manuscripts but need assistance for their preservation, cataloging, publication, microfilming, etc. are eligible for assistance. Smaller Voluntary Organisations, hereditary collections of manuscripts with the families of erstwhile Princes/big Zamindars, individuals, and also temples and maths are also eligible for assistance. Pattern of Assistance – The maximum limit of assistance is Rs. 2.00 lakhs per year per project. 75% of the expenditure will be given by the Central Govt. and 25% should be given by other parties. – In the case of Central Universities, 100% can be given by the Central Government. – If an Institution has really done a very good job, financial assistance can be continued for 3 to 5 years. The central grants will be made only after considering the facts like whether an Institution/library/organization has already received or likely to receive from any other sources for the same project under the scheme.

N. Financial Assistance for Research Support to Voluntary Organisations

To give financial assistance to Voluntary Organisations engaged in doing research in different aspects of Indian Culture related to its tradition and philosophy. Criteria for Eligibility – Organizations should be registered under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860). – Should be of National Fame and of all India Character and been functioning for the last three years. Should have a properly written constitution. Its financial position should be sound. It should have facilities, resources, personnel, and experience to initiate the scheme for which the grant is required. For Forms And Further Details Contact: Department of Culture Minisity of Human Resource Development Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 011

O. Financial assistance for the Reorganisation and Development of other Museums

To give financial assistance to all Museums except those directly managed by the state government and central government. Criteria for Eligibility – Voluntary Institutions/Societies/Trust must be registered as a society under the Indian Societies Act (XII of 1860) or as a Public Trust under the law in force. – Should have been in existence for at least 3 years and the grant will not be given for more than 3 consecutive years. – It should have a well-defined constitution and its work should have been reported as satisfactory by the respective government. It should not run for the profit of the individual(s). It should be able to maintain the Museum financially or otherwise and should have enough facilities, resources, and personnel. P. Financial assistance to Eminent Institutions in the field of performing arts Objectives

  1. To give financial assistance to well-established institutions that have been doing good work in the field of performing arts and have achieved national or regional importance.
  2. To help these eminent institutions to become National or Regional Resource Centres in their respective fields. Criteria for Eligibility
  3. Institutions that have been making a distinct contribution to teaching, propagation, and performances in their respective fields of specialization are eligible for a grant under this Scheme.
  4. The institution must have a trained staff for undertaking teaching work and possesses suitable facilities for libraries, staging performances. It should be specialized in at least one major field.
  5. It should be registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. It should be open to all Indian citizens. Institutions that are engaged in experimental innovation, emerging original writings and original direction, theatre research, theatre training program of training of audience of the like will be given special consideration. Q. Financial Assistance to Professional Groups and Individuals for specified performing Arts projects To give financial assistance to professional groups and individuals like drama groups, theatre groups, music ensembles orchestra, solo artists, etc. of performing arts activities on a non-recurring ad-hoc basis. Criteria for Eligibility – The projects selected under this scheme shall normally be of a period not exceeding one year except in the case of dance drama or ballet groups where the duration of the project may extend upto two years – In selecting individual projects it should be seen that all different art forms and styles from all parts of the country are represented. – Groups should have given performances on all- India basis. NGO’s seeking more details of the Ministry’s Schemes can view it on the Ministry’s website at indiaculture.nic.in. I. Financial Assistance for Regional & Local Museums II. Financial Assistance for Research Support to Voluntary Organisations Engaged in Cultural Activities III. Tourism Policy and Schemes Revised Guidelines of the scheme for Product/Infrastructure Development for Destinations and Circuits A. Major destinations and circuits development B. Rural Tourism Infrastructure Development IV. Scheme of Assistance for Large Revenue Generating Projects V. Capacity Building for Service Providers Scheme (CBSP) VI. Scheme of Rural Tourism VII. Scheme of Financial Assistance to States for Organising Tourism Related Events VIII. Scheme of Central Financial Assistance for IT Projects IX. Scheme for Support to Public Private Partnerships in Infrastructure (Viability Gap Funding) X. Scheme for Market Development Assistance (MDA) XI. Capital Subsidy (Department of Tourism) XII. Guidelines for Project Approval and Classification of Time Share Resorts XIII. Scheme Guidelines on Professional Services- Market Research

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