The Quantum of the grant will depend on budget provisions and the number of meritorious proposals received. The nurturing grant for a fledgling institution will also not exceed Rs. 20.00 lakh per year and will not be awarded for more than 4-6 years.


The following organizations/ institutions will be eligible for a grant in aid under the scheme:

Department of Economics / Applied Economics / Business Economics of Universities / Deemed Universities; Department of Economics / Econometrics / Applied Economics / Academic Institutions accredited/affiliated to a University or Deemed University; An Institution or Organization set up as an Autonomous Organization under a specific statute or as a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 or the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 and primarily engaged in economic research, and in existence for at least three years;

An Institution not covered under (i), (ii) and (iii) above, but satisfying any of the following:

Must qualify to receive annual recurring grants by specific establishments of the Government like UGC, ICSSR, etc., Must have successfully executed projects* during last three years for certain institutions of Central Government which have been established for financing research, like CSIR, ICMR, ICAR or similar Central Government Organization set up primarily for the purpose of funding research work, Must have successfully executed a research project* during the last three years entrusted by any Ministry/Department of the Govt. of India (including Planning Commission) or State Government. Successful execution of the research project is determined by the acceptance of the completed project report and the Utilization Certificate (UC) issued by the Central Government Institution/ Ministry/ Department or Office that has released grants-in-aid to the institution for the research project.

Preference will be given to meritorious proposals from eligible institutions/organizations from North Eastern Region, Jammu & Kashmir and tribal areas.


To submit your application and know more about the scheme, download the pdf document of all the details below Financial-Assistance-Research-Institutions.pdf